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My Blog

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sarah Moore (Mother)-  She has always been my rock my shield. She believe in me when I didn't believe in myself. She encourage me to go after my dreams.  She taught me to appreciate the important of having a good education. She  taught me to pray and  have faith in God . She taught me how to be a independent women. She taught me to be a compassionate and respectful person. She is my best friend. She has never made me feel bad about any of my mistakes. I have made in my life but she always encourage me to learn from them. She taught me to never turn anyone away who is in need of your help and let it come from your heart not to display it for the attentions of other. She always taught me to value the important of family and never take for grant the time we are giving with each other. Also no matter how bad things may seem never give up faith in believing that God will see you though it. She will always love and support me even when it doesn't always seem that way. I Love You Mom and I could not have chosen a wonderful women to be apart of my life.

Freddlie Moore (Father). He taught me to value the importance of and good education because my father didn't get the opportunity to attend school. Because he had to work and help support his younger siblings. So he always encourage me along with my siblings to study hard and take the advantage of this opportunity.  Even though my father doesn't have a high school diploma. He has been working to support his family at a very young age. My siblings and I never wanted for anything because he is a good provider for his family. He is also a very spiritual man who believe in God and these are the value he place into me and my siblings. He believe in helping his neighbors in anyway possible. He mentor young men in our neighborhood who have had  a difficult life experience. By taking them to church teaching them skills that will help them be constructive adult men. He volunteer at his church to ministry to young men on how to be good fathers to their children. No matter if they are marry or dating the young women. He has taught me how to be a women and set my expectations high when it come to meeting my husband. He taught me to never look down on a person because I do not know their circumstances. But show people kindness and always be willing to help out in anyway possible.

Toshiba Cagle (sister). What can I say if it wasn't for my sister support. As I relocated to Texas by opening her home to me. So that I can began my new start in a new town that I do not know anyone beside her. She help me follow my dream and not give up when there was time I wanted to. She encourage me to stand firm in what I believe in. I had a major surgery four months ago and she was right their supporting me though my healing process. My sister and I have always been close because these are the values and morals that my parents have taught us. In which we support each and help one another the best way we can . She has four young men and she work a full-time job. And she still find time to go back to school and competed her Masters in Professional Counseling.  By the way she was the one who encourage me to start my Masters in Early Childhood Education.

 Dorthy Dukes (friend) She is one of the strongest and women I have ever met in my life. She is a passionate person who always put the needs of her family and friends first. The very first year of her marriage her mother past. And she step up into being a mother in taking the responsibility of raising her younger sister. In which she help her to graduated from high school and now in the working force. In that same year she had her first child who was born with special needs but she never gave up. Though it all she still remain faithful to God knowing that he would make everything okay. She even find the time to encourage me not to give up on my dreams as being a teacher and even help me with some of my classes at the time. Because she is a teacher. She would invite me to volunteer in her classroom just to get the experience of being in a classroom setting. She taught me how to create lesson plans and strategies she use to help reach the most difficulty students in her classroom. She is the reason why I decided also to pertain a degree in education.

 Lavonya Jenkins ( best-friend). She is like a sister to me. We grew up together. She knows me sometime better than I know myself. She has been my roommate when I needed that extra support. She encourage me to follow my dreams of becoming a teacher.  Even when I did not have the confident of doing so. She never judge me or criticize me on the silly mistakes I made in life. But encourage me to do the right things even when I had doubts about it. She came from a single parent home and she always strive to make a different in her life. She never gave up even when she was face with many obstacles in life. She motivate me never give up even when it feel like you have fail. Put God first and continue to move forward.

 This poem just remind me how important my family and friends  are to me:

Your Family
Your family are people, you can depend,
If you get in trouble, they shall defend.
They are the one's that understand,
Always willing to give you a hand.
Your family, you should always cherish,
Without them you would probably perish.
Your connection with them is very deep,
If something happens, together you weep.
You family can help, your confidence build,
With their love and support, you'll feel fulfilled.
Just don't forget to show your appreciation,
That will strengthen your relation.


  1. Hello Yalanda,

    The poem was a beautiful summary of the important relationships within your life. I appreciated how you included friends within your childhood web. Friendships during childhood offer children the chance to explore social boundaries and pick up on social skills through trial and error. Since our peers are typically experiencing similar situations and share many commonalities, it is beneficial for children to have strong peer relationships to help them discuss and make sense of their world together.

  2. Thanks and you are right my friends are part of my family these young ladies and I grew up together and they really help me face some of my most difficulty experiences in life.
