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Friday, July 18, 2014

Week 3 Assignment


For this assignment I wanted to interview three people who I played a significant part of my life that I valued their opinions and beliefs on what culture and diversity mean to them. Which are the followings, my sister, my closest friend and a co-worker?
Sister: Culture is the many ideas, beliefs, values; religion and experiences that make us who were are today. Culture is a body of knowledge, love, a community, and a system of supports that guide our decisions and perception of others and the world that surrounds us. Our culture is what makes up unique; it is a circle of support that provides us with a likeness to others and a support system of friends and family. Culture can be a style of communication that exist within an ethnic group or community that makes them unique and diversity from others. We are surrounded by people who look different, have different experiences, beliefs, and speak different languages (to name a few), and it remains important for all persons to respect each others' differences and diversity we add to the community (the world). Communicating and interacting with people who have difference experiences than our own, allows us to grow as an individual and a culture.  
Friend: Culture is my most valuable treasure.  It is my inheritance.  It’s what has been given to me to help cultivate my way of thinking, my values and morals and my way of looking at life.  Diversity is based on my culture, but it relates to my difference.  Diversity is what defines me and makes me the unique person that I am. 
Co-worker (difference race):  Culture is different races, different background and heritages. Diversity can be defined as the different kinds of people and things in the world such as different incomes, levels of education, and different job positions that is being held by the individuals.
I really was amazed at the different respond that I received from my love ones on how they define culture and diversity. What even amazing that my belief and my sister’s beliefs are very similar. However, what I really learned from this assignment that each one of these individuals that I interviewed believe that our culture is what make us who were are as people. Just like my sister stated that we must learn how to communicate and be willing to accept each other’s differences. We all have something unique to offer to this world no matter what our culture beliefs are and our race, gender and etc. We must be willing to love and support each other so we can live a peaceful life in this world. I truly believe in my hearts that is why there is so much happening in our world today. Because the dominant culture feels that they have the right to put down the family culture beliefs who they don’t understand because they are not willing to learn about it.


  1. I really appreciate how your sister values that culture really defines who she is as an individual and makes her unique. She sees culture as a support system that shapes her perspective on life. I also think she shows great insight when she discusses how sharing our own culture and learning about others helps to create new cultures. Sharing our differences and what makes us unique should bring us together! Nice post!

  2. I especially like your Sister's explanation. The part about us all respecting is key to the entire point (in my opinion). Respecting each other and showing acceptance to each others differences is so important. While I believe diversity and culture should be celebrated, it must be (at the very least) respected.

  3. Hello Yalanda,
    I think your sister made some very valid points and made it clear what culture represents. I agree with her statement saying "that our culture is what makes us unique" and this brings me back to the idea that for the many people who do not exhibit culture or may not have a culture that they represent can sometimes make that person feel that they are not unique and may feel that they do not stand for anything. This is why we must be sure to keep a cultural experience within our children so they can understand their differences and grow with them instead of feeling hindered by them.
