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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week 2 Assignment

Wow this assignment was not quite as simple as it sound because the I ponder on whether or not to decide on things that was a more traditional culture practice or items that was dear to me. The three items I decided to take with me was. A cookbook, photos, dress.
The reason I choose the cookbook because it was giving to me by my mother who received from her mother. There are recipes that was written by women in my families. I actually uses this cookbook today to prepare special meals for my family and one day I would like to past this cookbook to my daughter.
I choose photos because I have been given photos of my great-great  grandparents who I never had the opportunity to because they were decreased before I was born. And my mom would tell my siblings and I of wonderful stories about her great-great grandparents over the years. I love hearing these stories especially how different life was for them back in their era.
Last but not least a my grandmother's dress. I know it may sound weird but this was the dress she pass away in and every so often I will pull this dress out and just wrap myself around in it just to feel closer to her because she was like a mother to me. It' have been 4 years since her passing but it doesn't get any easier I miss her so much . 
This assignment have really made me realize how important it is to be more appreciated of each other differences and culture. I can imagine having to choose one but if I would have to decided on one it would be my grandmother's dress.
When I am having a bad day and just need to feel closer to her I can always retrieved it. And I can honestly feel her spiritual with me telling me it will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yalanda,

    This was a very difficult assignment and something worth thinking about. However, I really liked the cookbook idea, this could be something you could share with others to represent your culture that is very important, and useful and will last a long time. Because when I eat foods from other countries like Indian, Chinese, or Mexican food I think about the people and these places. Also when my bother-in-law who is from India cook for us he always share a story about the food he is cooking. Therefore sharing something about his culture.
