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Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Birth Story

I myself have never given birth but I have had the opportunity to experience the birth of my little nephew. It was a miracle to have been able to experience this little life. My sister delivery him by cesarean. She was having  some complication with his breathing. I never could have imagine a tiny little person being delivery in my present  just to see the doctor removing him for my sister stomach was just amazing. Now I look at him today in which he is 17 months old and I am just amaze how time has really past. I love him to pieces just like he was my very own child.

 I read and article of birth of babies in China and to my surprising that most women in China prefer having a cesarean than natural birth in order for their child to start school early. That was just very surprising to me because with a cesarean birth it takes a women long to recovery. The article stated that "about 47 percent of all births in China are through C-section, representing the highest rate for the procedure worldwide, although the recommended rate is less than 15 percent, according to a World Health Organization report in 2010". Some woman prefer the cesarean because they do not want to experience the pain from a natural birth. Also they are having cesarean to have their baby born on a specify day.

Child birth is one of the most amazing thing that a women could experience. I myself would love to be able to experience and rejoicing over this little individual that I help created. This poem reflects my feeling toward that.


  1. I find it odd that a cesarean section would lead to children starting school earlier as well. I am scared to give birth but know that at the end of the birth, my son will be with me and my husband and we will be a family of 3 rather than just 2. I am not sure what the day will bring but I am ready and cannot wait. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW! I have never heard of c-sections helping students get to school sooner??! I wonder what it is about this birth method that gives the child an "advantage" if that's what you would call it. To me it sounds more like a "trend" to have your babies born on specific dates. It also makes me think about the fact that even with all of our technology sometimes we are wrong when dating when the child would be born. If woman start pushing for a specific date, I wonder what the effect that will have on the last stages of development. I always thought it was best to let them bake in there as long as possible before they are ready to come out.
    Any thoughts??

  4. Hello Yalanda, your nephew is a beautiful little boy! I had the experience to witness three births outside of my own child birth experience. I witnessed the birth of my nephew, niece and my granddaughter! All were very different, but just as wonderful. My daughter opted for the epidural, and my sister had natural child birth, which she had some trouble with pushing, which sent the baby heart rate to decrease. In the end she delivered a health baby.

  5. Wow!!! 47% is a huge number! I had no idea that women opted to have that procedure so often in China. That's amazing. Thanks or sharing.
