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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week six

My Support

My mom is my biggest support system. I really would not know what I would do if she was no longer in my life. It has been very difficulty for me since I have relocated to Texas not being able to see her everyday. She is my best friend no matter what circumstances I face she is always there to encourage me. She was the one who encourage me to relocate even though we misses each other but she knew it was the best decision for me. We talk on a daily basis. She always tell me to remember to put God first. She was my biggest supporter when I decided to go back to school to receive my Master. She was their for me when I had complications from a major surgery she never left my bedside. Also not to meant how well she nurse me back to health just like I was a little girl. My mother's guidance and moral values help shape me into the women I am today.

My sister also is a very strong supporter in my life. We have always been close since childhood. She is always encouraging me to step outside the box don't be afraid to try new things even if you fail at it. You can always said I gave it my best and try again. I am so grateful and thankful for her and her family for allowing me the opportunity to go after my dreams. I can never repay her for what she have done for me over these past two years. She have faith and belief in me when I didn't have it for myself.  I do not know what life would be like if I didn't have the support system from my mom, sister, and my whole entire family in my life.

My physical challenge or difficulty would be being blind. When I think of being blind, I  imagine being in total darkness. Imagine being struck blind. I think about the things I would  miss? I think of those sunsets, and the face of a loved one. There are practical things too, such as the ability to navigate a world built by humans for the sighted. Consider visiting a new city, and navigating its public transportation system. Even if the language is foreign, certain universal symbols, such as arrows or a color-coded map, might allow for efficient travel from one point to the next. According to the World Health Organization, over 39 million people in the world are blind; over 246 million have some form of impaired, or low, vision.  Touch comes in handy when a person is blind  and wants to read books. I would have to learn how to read by using a special system called braille. Braille is a way of expressing letters, words, and thoughts. To read braille, I might even experience or  feels a series of little bumps that are associated with letters in the alphabet. For instance, "A" is represented as one bump. Computer programs and other devices that can "see" turn the words on a page into braille. I would need a guard dog to assist me with doing my everyday errands. It would be very difficulty for me and I would need lot of moral support from family and friends


  1. I can't imagine what it would be like to have your sight and then have it take away from you. There are so many things in this world to miss, that make the work visually such a beautiful place. I think that what they say about if you don't know it you can't miss it and I would assume in this case that would be true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and supports with us this week. It was really nice to read more of your story.

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  3. think that it so special to have good family members in your life. I know how important my mom is to me, and if she was gone I would be devastated. I really enjoyed reading your posts.
