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Friday, December 20, 2013

When I think of Child Developement

When I think of Child Development

I believe that child development is  rarely straightforward. I feel that so many factors plays a part. For example, it is what happens during pregnancy and delivery, what skills and abilities our children are born with, and the way he/she is stimulated while they are being raised in the home, child care, and school. I feel that heredity and the environment interact to make our babies into their unique, special individual who have his/her own contribution to make to this world.

Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.- Dr. Hiam Ginnot

"In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.”- Lydia Sigourney

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."- Stacia Tauscher


  1. I love your comment about children being wet cement. Children are very impressionable at all ages. They absorb everything like sponges and learn from what they absorb. Children are able to take what they learn and grow from it emotionally, socially, physically, and appropriately. We as adults have to be sure that we show children the proper way to speak, teach, grow, and become wonderful and amazing adults. Thanks for the awesome quotes!

  2. Great Quotes you picked, Yalanda! It is amazing how much children retain at birth and while in the womb. It is such a great opportunity to learn so much about how children develop over their lifespan into adulthood. I do agree, that child development is rarely straightforward. As educators, it is our duty to try to make early childhood education a field that is taken more seriously and that people understand the effect we have on children. It is so important to teach children safety and correct habits early so that they can have good habits as adults. Your quotes were spot on! It has been a great journey, and I hope you continue to enjoy the journey we are all embarking on. Best of Luck to you!

  3. The children are like cement quote is deep. I see that so much we influence our children. media influences children their peers influence them. Its tough being a child, and making your own personal mark.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The children are like cement quote is deep. I see that so much we influence our children. media influences children their peers influence them. Its tough being a child, and making your own personal mark
