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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Relationship Reflections

I believe that when we as adults have proper interaction early own in life, we as children will begin to gain a sense of positive identity and self-assurance. We begin to identify the various roles adult can play, and by beginning to learn how to interact positively with adults we learn how to interact positively with our peers. When helping our children build a caring relationship with adults who are a consistent part of their lives. We must keep in mind as adults we are our children's primary source of their social, emotional, and developmental support. It is important for young children to have lots of different adults giving them encouragement, support, and positive attention. As parents, we will also benefit from building a network of caring adults for our children, because we are building support for ourselves as well. It can take time to find and foster a healthy adult relationship for our children, but such a relationship has lifelong benefits. It is worth the effort. With that being said the following people help my gain positive relationships with others as a child up until my adult life.

My parents they are my backbone. They have supported me in every decision I have made. They encourage me to be the best I can be even if I fail never give up but continue to strive to reach my goals. They also raise me to have a compassionate and caring heart for others. They also raise me to accept and appreciate others differences because we can learn from them. And whatever I do put God first and trust in him to guide me in the right directions. With this positive relationship with my parents have made me into the person I am today. I thank them for this and  I will always love them with all of my heart!!!

Another positive relationship that reflect the person I am today is my grandmother even though she no longer with us. She was like a second mother to me, she always made me realize that every problem have a solution if you are willing to solve it.  She always knew what to say to make me laugh even when I didn't feel like it.  She would always encourage all of her grandchildren about the importance of  receiving  a good education. She also taught me how to pray to God and ask him to help me no matter what my circumstances are. That is something I continue to do now even as and adults.  I thank her for that. 

I also believe  that having a positive relationship with my siblings. Also played and importance part on how I interact with others. My parents raised my siblings and I to love and respect one another and always have each others back. I learned from this positive relationship with my siblings how to bond with my friends. My siblings and I are very close. We love each other and respect one another differences. So therefore I by learning to appreciate the differences of the people I grow up with, have influence me to use this same strategy all though out life. When I interact with my peers and other people who I come in contact with.  I am so grateful to have a positive relationship like this with my siblings because I have friends who would die to have this type of connection with their siblings.

Finally, the last person who I have gain a positive relationship reflection with is my best friend. She is like a sister to me. She really define what a true friend is really suppose to be. She always encouraging me to see my inner and outer beauty. When I mistakes in life she always tells  me its okays try again tomorrow and I even find myself using these same words to my students. Sometime I feel she knows me better than I know myself. I true love that about her.

Finally, family and friends support will help you form a positive self-image and foundation for learning how to connect with encouraging people. When we feel safe and secure and love we will be more capable of relating to our peers, more well behaved in life, and better able to interact appropriately with others. Giving our children positive love and care  works best when we pay attention to their unique characteristics.